6 Pillars of Strong Sermon Preparation preaching

It’s one thing to prepare a single good sermon. It was a good week. You felt refreshed. And your preparation flowed. But what about doing that week in and week out? That can be far more difficult.

Luckily, consistently strong sermon preparation consists of some key pillars and when you...

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Preaching Style: Are You Pastor or Prophet in the Pulpit? preaching

Every preacher has their own personality and their own wiring. And depending on what that is, they may gravitate toward being more of a pastor in the pulpit or more of a prophet in the pulpit.

So which are you?

Preaching Style: The Pastor

The pastor is the shepherd. The guide. 

The pastor in...

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Will it Preach? 7 Questions to Ensure Your Sermon is Absolutely Ready preaching

You get to the end of a good week. You finished writing the sermon for Sunday. But the question is, will it preach? 

It’s penned but will it proclaim? It’s typed but will it talk? Better yet, will it walk?

You and I have both gotten to this point many times. You finish writing...

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3 Warning Signs Your Sermon Isn’t Connecting (That You Might Not Be Expecting) preaching

Some sermons connect and some don't. That's true for all of us. But sometimes not connecting in our preaching can go from every now and again to becoming a trend.

So let's talk about it.

We spend hours upon hours in sermon prep and sermon writing. And then we get to the preaching moment and what...

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Top 10 Mistakes Preachers Make in Sermon Preparation preaching

Sunday has a tendency show up quickly. Your sermon preparation can either set you up well for when Sunday rolls around or hinder you tremendously. 

How you spend your time Monday through Saturday greatly influences the sermon you preach on Sunday. You and I know this from experience. 


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Write Your Best Sermon Yet: 23 Elements to Upgrade Your Sermon Content preaching

If you want to write a better sermon, you must improve one of these two things:

  1. Your content
  2. Your structure

Last week, I showed you seven different approaches to outlining your sermon. 

Having good structure to your sermon is a game-changer.

But what about upgrading your sermon content?


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How to Outline Your Sermon (7 Templates) preaching

Want to write a better sermon? 

You can improve one of two things:

  1. Your content
  2. Your structure

This article will focus on the latter. Your structure. Your outline.

Right now, you might be drowning in all the information you’ve compiled for your next sermon. You’ve got insights,...

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7 Questions to Help You Teach the Bible Better preaching

When you stand up to preach, you want to handle the word well. You want to teach the Bible as well as you possibly can so that people walk away understanding God’s word and knowing what He is calling them to.

By using these 7 questions, you’ll never be stuck staring at your computer...

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5 Topics Preachers Can No Longer Ignore preaching

We live in a time of great polarization, hedonism, hatred, hurt, and delusion. And the church, for the most part, isn’t helping.

While our society is fracturing, some preachers and churches are burrowing their heads in the sand, hoping that things will dramatically change without...

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3 Teams to Make Your Life Dramatically Easier as a Pastor preaching

As a pastor, you’ve got a lot of plates spinning. You're preaching, counseling, visiting the sick, leading meetings, planning events, and a million other things – all while trying to bring your best every single day.

But let's be real, sometimes it feels like you're just barely...

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8 Vital Preaching Convictions for Powerful Gospel Messages preaching

If you want to preach powerful gospel messages week in and week out, you must have the right preaching convictions. Because your convictions impact every part of your sermon development and delivery.

Get your free copy of my 10-Step Guide to Writing a Sticky Sermon: ...

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Top Lessons From the Most-Viewed Sermons on YouTube in 2022 preaching

Get your free copy of my 10-Step Guide to Writing a Sticky Sermon: https://PreachandLead.com/guide 

What can be learned from the most-viewed sermons on YouTube in 2022? In this video, we're going to look at the top 4 and approach them as curious students of the art of communication.


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