NEW! The Ultimate Resource List for Intentional Pastors

The responsibilities of a pastor are wide-ranging. In this Ultimate Resource List for Intentional Pastors, you'll find tools to help you do ministry, lead the church intentionally, and be more productive.

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Top Lessons From the Most-Viewed Sermons on YouTube in 2022 preaching

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What can be learned from the most-viewed sermons on YouTube in 2022? In this video, we're going to look at the top 4 and approach them as curious students of the art of communication.


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4 Questions to Help You Plan a Year of Preaching preaching

In this video, I'm going to give you 4 questions designed to help you plan the next year of preaching or to help you evaluate your current plan for your next year of preaching.

My hope is to help you plan a year of preaching that will help your church grow deep and wide.

Get your free copy of...

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3 Huge Goals for Every Pastor in 2023 (And Steps to Accomplish Them) leadership preaching

November and December present a unique opportunity to every pastor. Not only do we get to gather our people for Advent and Christmas services but we are more inclined than any other time of the year to set goals. 

Goals are powerful because of the focused energy and steps they generate....

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3 Ways to Preach Effectively in 2023 preaching

2023 is nearly upon us. And if you're like me and many other pastors, you're working on your yearly sermon calendar. Now, if you want to preach effectively in 2023, you need to offer your people a balanced diet. 

But this requires intentionality. So as you consider what you’ll preach...

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Iā€™ve Got Bad News: Things Arenā€™t Getting Easier (5 Things Great Leaders Do in Hard Times) leadership

It is never around hard times that a leader grows the most, but through them.

That’s true about life and that’s true about leadership. Martin Luther King Jr. said, “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at...

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5 Books to Level-Up Your Leadership leadership

Leadership is difficult. 

If anyone tries to convince you otherwise, be weary of their influence on you.

In this article, I want to offer you 5 books that will level-up your leadership. 

These are books that will:

  • Address the inner life of a leader
  • Equip you to lead groups of people...
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The Most Powerful Way to Preach: A Recipe for Transformation preaching

What makes for transformational preaching?

It’s one thing to preach memorable messages—ones that stick with people. But if memorability is all we want, we’re aiming too low.

Instead, our aim should be transformation. And while we take that aim readily aware that in order for us...

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3 Startling Preaching Blunders Too Many Preachers Commit

If you preach with any level of frequency, what I know about you is you understand the weight of preaching. You know that the preaching moment is a time to steward and the last thing you want to do is make any mistakes that would lower the effectiveness of your sermons.

But having good intentions...

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Worse Preaching Than the Prosperity Gospel?

You and I both know the dangers of the prosperity gospel.

Instead of God being the ultimate object of people’s worship, He is turned into a being to please in order to get what they ultimately want—health, wealth, and happiness. 

But in order to receive health, wealth, and...

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7 Ways to Design Your Sermon For Life-Changing Impact preaching

Most sermons would have more impact if they were designed better. 

That’s right. We all get to a point in our sermon prep when we need to take all of our raw materials and design a message. And this part is vital to whether or not our message cuts to people’s hearts or if it...

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Top 10 Sermon Writing Mistakes Preachers Make preaching

In order to write sermons well, you need to avoid these ten mistakes.

Get your free copy of my 10-Step Guide to Writing a Sticky Sermon:

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5 Things to Do With the Text in Every Sermon preaching

In every sermon, there are certain things you should do with the passage you're preaching on. In this video, I break down 5 things to do in your next sermon.

Get your free copy of my 10-Step Guide to Writing a Sticky Sermon:

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