5 Journaling Prompts for the Overwhelmed/Discouraged Pastor

How do you keep from going down the spiral of discouragement?

You know what I mean. Something triggers you. An email, a conversation, a text, a leadership meeting, something happens and you feel the slip into discouragement. And if not addressed head on, it can spiral quite quickly to an...

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2022 Top Books for Preachers and Church Leaders

Every year I like to ask other pastors and church leaders about their best book recommendations. What comes from it is a mix of new books and old books. The reasons for their recommendations vary and I always have a few to add into the mix.

So if you're looking for some books to add to your...

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How I Read as a Pastor (2022 Edition)

It's fascinating to see how other people work. Especially other pastors. 

A vitally important area of the work of a pastor is reading.

In fact, if a given pastor's work doesn't include a high volume of reading, their well will eventually run dry.

So, practically speaking, what does it look...

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What's in a Pastor's Bag? | January 2022 Bag Dump

So what's in a pastor's bag? We're getting nerdy with this video. You'll see what I'm carrying in my bag and what bag I've got. Links to some of the things you see in the video are below.

Chad Brooks https://www.youtube.com/c/ChadBrooks 

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The New Leadership Challenge: Staying Calm When No One Else Is leadership

You can feel the tension in the room. It's palpable. People are on edge. They're experiencing some kind of stew which might include fear, worry, and anger. 

In these moments, what do you do?

  • Join in on the speculation?
  • Add your two cents that are filled with bitterness and...
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3 Reasons Preachers Should Ask More Questions in Sermons preaching

What is one of the most powerful things you can do in your preaching?

Ask more questions.

Think about it: what is your goal when you stand up to preach?

To merely transfer information? Of course not.

It's transformation.

Let's talk about why asking more questions is one of the most powerful...

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The Unintended Consequences of a Frantically Busy Pastor (3 Steps to a Healthy Rhythm)

Pastor, you're too busy and that busyness is resulting in several unintended consequences for you and the church you lead.

You've likely preached on the topic and you've pleaded with your people to make necessary changes to their schedule. But I'm here to plead, not with your people, but to plead...

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Leading the Post-Covid Church (Series): 10 Critical Keys for Healthy and Effective Pastoral Ministry leadership preaching
The Covid pandemic disrupted quite a bit of things in the church world. From shifting to online to re-gathering to realizing that we're all in church revitalization to varying degrees, a lot of pastors are feeling exhausted.
When a lot of us take a step back and reflect on and pray about ...
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5 Preaching Topics to Consider for 2022 Sermon Series Planning

It's that time of year again. The time of year for doing yearly sermon series planning. It's when we spend extended time in prayer and discussion (hopefully with a team and not just by our lonesome) on what we believe God wants to say to the congregation we lead.

In this article, I want to offer...

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The Ultimate Guide to Sermon Illustrations: How to Improve Your Preaching By Showing Not Just Telling

Sermon illustrations allow you to take your sermon to the next level. Instead of just telling people the truth of God’s word, show them.

A good sermon is more satisfying and beneficial to others than a perfectly seared medium rare-cooked filet mignon.

And if you’ve had a great filet...

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