Want to preach memorable sermons more consistently?
Download the 10-Step Guide to Writing a Sticky Sermon

You'll learn how to...

Be Faithful to the Text
Sticky Sermons aren't just memorable, they're true and are packed with power because they're anchored in God's Word.

Prepare Efficiently
By following the 10 steps, you'll have a roadmap to preparing sermons in a way that maximizes your time and energy.

Craft the Sermon Memorably
Sticky Sermons aren't just true, they are messages that pierce the hearts of their hearers.
Chris Weide
Pastor of Beechwood Baptist Church
Mount Olive, AL
Having come to preaching later, after decades of associate pastoral ministry, hearing and reading Brandon’s teaching and thoughts have certainly helped shape my philosophy and style, in both sermon preparation and delivery. I’m thankful, as an older rookie, to have Brandon’s spiritual wisdom and maturity to help guide folks like me.
Blake Croft
Lead Pastor of Relentless Church
Athens, TN
I love Brandon’s heart and passion for preaching to the heart. He shows you that it’s less about just sharing information and more about speaking to real human beings with real life issues!
You have the best message anyone could ever hear.
The gospel of Jesus.
But here's the thing: the best sermons aren't just true, they are ones that connect deep within the hearer's heart.
What does that look like, though? How can you do it consistently?
In this 10-step guide, you'll learn a process to make sure that not only is your next sermon true, but that it connects with your hearers.

Grow in Your Preaching
Join 9,000+ other pastors and download your free guide to writing a sticky sermon in addition to all our preaching and leadership resources as they are released.