Year in Review: 2023 Top Preach and Lead Articles and Videos

preaching Dec 14, 2023

As 2023 inches toward a close, it's a good time to take a step back and reflect on the year as a whole.

And as a part of that, I have compiled the most popular articles and videos of this year, according to you, the pastors who are a part of this community.

But before I get into all of the links, please allow me to first say, thank you.

Thank you for allowing me to speak into your ministry. It's an honor and a privilege that I don't take lightly. I'm deeply grateful for you.

Now, let's dig into this.

Top Preach and Lead Articles

5 Preaching Topics to Consider for 2022 Sermon Series Planning

While this was an older article, it still was the most popular on the site this year. If you're still working on your 2024 preaching plan, consider these topics.

How to Outline Your Sermon (7 Templates)

I'm glad this one resonated as well as it did. I enjoy digging into the nuts and bolts and really teaching through things. And who doesn't like templates?!

The Ultimate Guide to Sermon Illustrations

This is a behemoth of an article and most of the traffic to it came from search engines. Sermon illustrations are one of the best ways to upgrade your teaching and preaching. If you haven't bookmarked this article, do it!

2023 Must-Read Books for Pastors and Preachers

 The fact that this was a popular article is no surprise. If I know anything about us pastors and preachers, it's that most of us love books. And if there's anything we love more than books, it's lists of books we can add to our ever-expanding stacks of books to read. Amen? Amen! Not to mention, there's some really great books in this year's list (that was compiled by pastors and preachers for pastors and preachers).

5 Topics Preachers Can No Longer Ignore

I still believe we shouldn't ignore these topics anymore. Consider preaching on these things in 2024.

7 Questions to Help You Teach the Bible Better

The nuts and bolts of teaching the Scriptures? I loved putting this one together. If you missed it, bookmark it or add these questions to your exegetical workflow if they're not already included. 

6 Pillars of Strong Sermon Preparation

If you want a strong sermon preparation process, it needs these 6 pillars. Seriously.

Top Preach and Lead Videos

This was a great year for the YouTube channel even though, admittedly, I haven't been as consistent with videos as I'd like to be. But it is clear: plenty of pastors go to YouTube to find helpful instruction on preaching and leadership. 

How to Outline Your Sermon (7 Templates)

Yes, this is listed twice. But that's because it was an article and a video. Now, in my opinion, the video was better than the article. 

Pastors Are QUITTING? Top 10 Reasons They Are Strongly Considering It

An important video on an important topic. It's not a surprise that this got the views it did. Pray for your fellow pastors, y'all.

3 Simple Steps to Preaching the Gospel No Matter the Passage

I'm really glad that this video continues to get the views it does. It's a sign that preachers want to continue keeping the main thing the main thing.

How to Write a Sticky Sermon (Ultimate Guide)

This was a fun video to put together. It's a comprehensive walk-through of the 10-step process for sermon prep and writing that I teach. 

How to Write a Sermon That Connects, Step-by-Step

If you want the 'viewer's digest' version of the video above this one, this is it. If you have an aspiring preacher in your life, send this to them. If you're wanting to fine tune your own sermon prep and writing process, click that link and give it a watch.

3 Sermon Worksheets I Use Every Week

If you love templates and worksheets for sermon prep but don't want to do that digitally, don't miss this video. 

Most Viral YouTube Sermons of 2022: Top Lessons You Can Learn

I wasn't sure how this video would do. I thought it was a fun idea and would be interesting to record. And... it was. I'm not sure if I'll do another one like it but if you want to learn some lessons from these viral YouTube sermons, give it a watch.

Sermon Prep With Notion in Matthew | Let’s Sermon Prep Together

This is where the Sticky Sermon Notion Template was first ideated and implemented into my own sermon prep workflow and I haven't looked back since.

What kind of articles and videos do you want more of in 2024?

Send me a message on Twitter/X or email me and let me know. I'd love to hear from you.

Grow Your Preaching

If you want to be faithful to the text, prepare efficiently, and craft your sermon memorably, I’ve got just the thing to help. It’s called the 10-step guide to writing a sticky sermon and it’s yours for free. Just click here to grab your copy.

Write sermons that stick!

Learn the 10-step process to crafting and writing a memorable, transformational sermon. Download this free guide today.

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